Confession: I love reading my Blogger stats. It’s everything I wish I could do with Facebook (and Myspace back in the day). Well, I guess it would be cool to see EXACTLY who looked at my blog, but for right now the search keywords that lead people to my blog is good enough. The most […]

Woah. Where have I been these past TWO weeks?! I think this is the longest I’ve gone without posting in the (almost) year (!!!) I’ve been blogging! Mostly I’ve been studying/writing my butt off for finals. While it was nice to relax and do nothing but eat over Thanksgiving for a change, it kind of […]

I feel I should let everyone know that my posts are going to be kind of…sporadic for the next month. November = exam time crunch in college world, and while my two exams aren’t going to be bad (hellooo lifespan nutrition and food principles), I have two massive English projects due over the next month. […]

Pho (pronounced like fo, like “fo’ sho!”) finally happened. After almost two months of saying, “Oh yeah, let’s get pho this weekend!” only to have someone suddenly go to PCB (whoops) or not have enough money or, well, whatever, WE FINALLY ATE PHO! We didn’t go to Kathy’s hometown like we originally planned because Chris […]

Okay, so we all love doughnuts, right? Krispy Kreme is my doughnut (or donut? I never know…) of choice on Christmas morning (along with bacon, my mom’s sausage roll-ups, sugared pecans and Hershey Kiss peanut butter cookies, but that’s a story for another day. Oh Christmas, I need you). For every day doughnuts, I prefer […]

Today on My Fancy Tuna: BLUNDERS A PLENTY! Is that how you spell a plenty? Or is it aplenty? Or a’plenty? Whatever. Anyways, my blunders vs. winners score is 2-1 this week. Blunders are a blow to my ego when they happen, but afterward (like five minutes) I can usually laugh at my mistakes/stupidity. Except […]

First, I’m on a mission to win me some BARNEY BUTTER!!! A Teenage Gourmet is hosting a Barney Butter giveaway, and one of the ways to win is to mention her site on a blog post, so viola! Blog shout out, check! I hope I win. I REALLY want to win. I am a food […]